
Should you wish to cancel an order you have 24 hours no questions asked. We will refund directly to your card minus a 3% transaction fee that Shopify does not refund to Malibu Home.

Beyond 24 hours we will have begun the process of manufacturing your bathtub. We don’t pull a bathtub off a dusty shelf and send it. Every bathtub is made specifically to your order. IF you contact us 2 days after you place an order there is a very small chance your order still can be cancelled –  not likely, it just depends if the factory initiated the creation. Therefore, beyond our guaranteed 24 hour cancellation window – you are responsible for the full cost of the item, there is no refund. 

To cancel an order:

  • Send an email to including your name, order number, and reason for cancellation.
  • If your cancellation is within 24 hours of initial order and is approved, you will receive an email confirming your cancellation request.
  • Cancellations cannot be processed over the phone.
  • Approved cancellations will receive full payment minus a 3% transaction fee. 

Customers who cancel after the 24 hour window are responsible for the full cost of the item, there is no refund.